Blueberry, Blackberry, Veggie Freezies

Jul 16, 2019 | Pets, Treat Recipes

It’s been awhile since I posted a dog treat recipe.  I know I promised you more of those so here is a Blueberry, Blackberry, Veggie Freezie recipe that I found on-line and modified to what I thought Jake and Maggie would like.  I also apologize for missing a post today.  I had one ready to go and then decided not to send it because…well…it was terrible.  LOL!  It’s one of those things that in your mind, it all sounds great and when you put it on paper, it DOES NOT sound good and I won’t put out a bad post.  But…this post is something that I think everyone will like!!  Let me know if you try it and how it turned out.

I bought these rubber candy molds at Micheal’s from their bakeware section manufactured by Celebrate It and were $4.95 per mold.  They are oven safe, dishwasher safe (top rack only), freezer safe, and heat resistant up to 450 degrees.  There were several patterns but I chose the blue mold because it represented king (for Jake) and queen (for Maggie) and hearts because I love them so much!!  Plus “hearts” can be used all year long for any occasion!  The blue mold (if you can’t tell from the picture is a king and queen hat mold).  I was looking for bone shaped or animal shaped molds but couldn’t find them.  I’m sure they are out there somewhere but I liked what I found and left it at that.  

This recipe is made from organic produce and fruit only and is antioxidant rich for your pet.  

Taken from Alicia’s Pet Wellness blog and then modified.  I created my own name for the recipe as well.  
1 cup of spinach (raw) – I chopped up 1 cup
1 cup of chopped asparagus
1.5 cups of chopped zucchini, skin on is fine.  This equals to one small/medium zucchini
2 handfuls of blueberries
1 handful of blackberries

Mix all ingredients together in a food processor and puree until smooth. I used my NutriBullet that Thomas got me from Amazon (or maybe it was Walmart) which worked really well.  I added all of the ingredients into the cup, turned it upside down and with a twist, it was mixed within seconds.  You might need to add some filtered water or bone broth in order to get the texture to become smooth.  I used filtered water.

I had been running errands a good part of the day, came home to make these treats and sat down on the couch to get some reading in.  I’m reading the Novel “The Wife Between Us” by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkane and although I’m only on chapter 10, I am enjoying every chapter so far.  I’ll be posting a book review when I’m done!!!  Well, I guess I just did but it will be in more detail :-). I used my coupon from Barnes and Noble and placed an on-line order for several books.  If you are interested in hearing about what I’m reading, let me know and I’ll post book reviews for you.

“Jake was interested in the book…for a second…and then he resumed his favorite sleeping position on the couch with me”

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