Homemade Sugar Cookies
Per my last post at www.twoaorablelabs.com on how to help the animal shelters (see here) during the holidays, I wanted to make homemade sugar cookies from a recipe my parents used when my sister and I was growing up. When my sister and I were much younger, my parents would make sugar cookies with us and I always loved when it was time to whip up the icing. I loved the colors, the combination of sweetness, and couldn’t wait to have my cookies and milk :-).
Speaking of sweet…Thomas offered to make a run to the store for me to get all of the ingredients and he returned with not only the list but two beautiful bouquets of red and yellow roses for me!

2 3/4 all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup Land O’ Lakes butter (salted)
1 1/2 cups white sugar
1 egg
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
Step 1 – Combine flour, baking soda, baking powder. Set aside.
Step 2 – Cream together butter, sugar until smooth, add egg, vanilla
Step 3 – Combine dry ingredients with wet until mixed.
Preheat oven to 375 degrees and cook for approximately 5 – 7 minutes or until cookies start to get brown. Let cool on Wire rack.
Note: Don’t forget to give the cookies enough space to raise. My first batch were so close that they stuck together and lost their shape :-(. When rolling out the dough, don’t be afraid to use more flour to keep the rolling from sticking to the dough. If your cookie cutters are sticking to the dough, dip them into flour before cutting. Cookie cutters were purchased at Walmart as well as my Pioneer Woman measuring spoons and butter dish.
I chose to skip the icing part. Ok…I told a lie. I actually made icing thinking I could get it to turn out just like my dad had always made it but it tasted way to sugary (even for me) and it wasn’t thick enough. So…I threw it in the garbage and used icing in a tube that I bought from Walmart. I lined the cookies with the icing and sprinkled sugar over the cookies which gave them a crystalized look. They turned out flavorful, soft, pretty and were put in a Christmas tin for us to take to the Hancock County Humane Society for the shelter volunteers to enjoy! We didn’t forget about the fur babies…we have many toys and treats to hand out as well.
This recipe made 42 cookies excluding the ones we tried right out of the oven! The whole process from mixing to completion took approximately 45 minutes.
Enjoy! Send me a note and let me know how this recipe turned out for you. Don’t forget to share this post with friends!
Photography by Thomas Domitrovich

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