by Two Adorable Labs | Oct 11, 2021 | Pet Health, Pets
How to Recognize And Treat Cat Dandruff Happy Monday everyone! How to Recognize and Treat Cat Dandruff. Years ago, my parents started feeding a stray cat that made her home under their shrubs where she had her kittens. We named her Boo Boo Kitty and she is one of...
by Two Adorable Labs | Sep 7, 2021 | Pet Health, Pets
Are Dryer Sheets Toxic To Your Pet? Happy Wednesday everyone!!! I recently received a question asking if dryer sheets are toxic to pets and I immediately said yes but wanted to do more research for all of you. Are Dryer Sheets Toxic To Pets? Yes they are and you...
by Two Adorable Labs | Apr 20, 2020 | Pet Health, Pets, Tips and Tricks
Spring is finally here! It has been a chilly one and it hasn’t stopped my allergies from knocking me off my feet!! I’m glad Jake and Maggie have such thick healthy coats to protect them but I’ve noticed as spring moves forward, they are shedding a bit more. The...