Help Australia

Help Australia

The Australian bushfires, which have been burning since September; in mere months, an estimated one billion animals and 25 humans have been killed, and 12.35 million acres of land containing approximately 2,000 homes have been incinerated.  Experts are saying that...
What Does Tethering Of Dogs Mean?

What Does Tethering Of Dogs Mean?

What does “Chaining” or “Tethering” of dogs mean? The term refers to the practice of fastening a dog to a stationary object or stake, usually in the owners backyard, as a means of keeping the animal under control.  These terms do not refer to the periods when an...
Frankie Available For Adoption

Frankie Available For Adoption

I’ve partnered with the Beaver County Humane Society again and I’m making it my mission to be at their facility at least once a month to take pictures of the sweet animals up for adoption.  I had the pleasure of meeting Frankie last Friday and she won my...
Tips For Making A Party Appetizer

Tips For Making A Party Appetizer

Tips For Making A Party Appetizer This is a re-post with updated links and formatting:  These Tips For Making A Party Appetizer are perfect for any appetizer tray or plate.  You can use whatever you like whether it be meats, cheeses, fruit, chocolate, etc.  Make a...

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