Benefits of yogurt for your dog

Sep 15, 2019 | Pet Health, Pets

As I was writing my blog post on the frozen yogurt blueberries (see here), I made sure to make a note to talk about today’s post and the benefits of yogurt for your dog. I want to clarify that I used plain, unflavored, non-fat greek yogurt which I did not state in Monday’s post. I know that yogurt is great for digestive issues in humans but I never imagined how many benefits yogurt has when it comes to animals. Did you know it also promotes the production of niacin and folic acid, essential nutrients in the pregnancy stage in dogs?
“Maggie was helping me decorate for fall this week”. She was with me every step of the way from unpacking to making my wreath to cleaning up…and I loved every minute of it” 🙂

Yogurt and the benefits for dogs:

  • The immune system is improved and enhanced.
  • Gut flora, balance control and digestion improvement of the lactose.
  • Cholesterol, it helps to control and reduce high levels of total cholesterol.
  • Yeast infection,  It helps to reduce the incidence.
  • Good source of animal protein that helps to build muscle.
  • Provides the right amount of Potassium, essential to maintain muscles and nerves healthy and to regulate fluid levels in your dog’s body.
  • The good source also of Calcium that helps to develop bone health.

“Look at Jake!”  “He was so tired from helping me clean and decorate for fall”.  “I think he wants to just watch next year and leave it up to me and Miss Maggie”.  🙂


Yeast Infection and Yogurt for Dogs:

Yeasts are microorganism classified along with mushrooms and molds as part of the kingdom fungi as ordinary residents in a dog’s body, and the toxins may cause some health problems like:

  • Hives and other skin eruptions
  • Itching and skin rashes
  • Diarrhea
  • Scratching in and around the ears
  • Constipation
  • Depression
  • Hair loss
  • Chewing paws
  • Offensive body odor
  • Tear Staining

Diarrhea and Yogurt for Dogs:

  • Veterinarians usually recommend treating diarrhea with low-fat plain yogurt, as its probiotic in nature, the microscopic organisms found in yogurt release lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide helping to inhibit or destroy the bacteria that cause diarrhea in dogs.

Skin Problems and Yogurt for Dogs:

  • Yogurt is a natural remedy to treat itchy skin, rashes, skin allergies, and hot-spots.
  • If one of your dog’s symptoms is dry skin, it can be treated easily by feeding your dog with some natural plain yogurt mixed in the dry food. 

Teeth Problems and Yogurt for Dogs:

  • The probiotics in yogurt are good for preventing and fighting the bacteria that may lead to teeth problems in some dogs. Also, the live cultures found in Yogurt are very good for the prevention of tartar and bad breath but you need to be sure that there is no sugar, Xylitol, or artificial sweetness in the yogurt. This is an additive for sweetness that could be toxic for your dog and may lead to some health problems like depression, disorientation or even seizures.  Plain yogurt is the best alternative!  

Tear Staining and Yogurt for dogs:

  • Tear staining is a common problem in senior dogs and hairy breeds like the Maltese, usually provoked by Yeast Infections. The probiotic effects of the yogurt can reduce the incidence of tear staining by giving your dog a spoon of organic plain yogurt every 12 hours (depending on the size of the dog, IE: small dogs will need only a teaspoon). Note:  Very important: DO NOT put yogurt into the eyes of the dog.

Urinary Tract Infections and yogurt for dogs:

  • Yogurt is a very popular natural home remedy to relieve the symptoms of urinary tract infections in dogs. To get rid of the bladder infection quick, you need to combine a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar to Organic or Natural Plain Yogurt and give it to your dog twice daily. Remember, if the infection persists for more of 24-48 hours you should take your dog to the vet.

Dogs Ear Infection and Yogurt for Dogs:

  • Ear infection in dogs is often caused by moist, growth of yeast, wounds from scratching, antibiotics or low immune system.
  • Acid Acidophilus helps with the management of yeast infection. You can supplement your dog with probiotics that are veterinarian approved, or you can take the natural path giving organic plain yogurt to your dogs. 

Please verify with your vet the amount of yogurt required or given to your pet.  Feeding your dog yogurt does not always cure the ailment but helps reduce the symptoms and helps speed the healing process.  It is a natural remedy and having a container in your refrigerator doesn’t hurt.  Just keep an eye on the expiration date!!  

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  1. Antonette Bowlin

    Thank you for all the natural ways to keep my Bella well & to avoid vet visits!

    • Two Adorable Labs

      You are so welcome. Thank you for reading the post and commenting. Glad you enjoyed it. I once had a Bella. Love that name :-).

  2. Donna Pokorra

    Love this site. Asking for clarification on the treatment of an uti in my 21 lb dog.
    You state to combine a table spoon of apple cider vinegar or yogurt. Question :,combine together or with what?

    • Two Adorable Labs

      Hello. Thank you for reaching out. So sorry to hear your baby is not feeling well. You can combine a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar with Organic Yogurt or Natural Plain Yogurt (approximately 1-2 tablespoons) and give it to your dog twice daily in their food. Dilute the vinegar with some water to be safe before mixing with the yogurt. The vinegar can upset their little stomachs. Please make sure there is “NO” sugar in the yogurt you choose, as this is very bad for your pet. Remember, if the infection persists for more than 24-48 hours, you should take your dog to the vet as they should be on antibiotics. Also, giving your dog a cranberry pill can help. I buy mine from the manufacturer Azo, typically from Walmart. I give the whole pill but my dogs are bigger. I would call your vet or a vet to ask how much to give your 21 pound dog. If you choose these home remedies, I would just make a quick phone call to the vet to make sure your vet verifies what you are giving him/her. You never know if there are underlying health issues. If you look on, you can find products that can help with UTIs under the search for UTI Treatment For Dogs. I hope this helps you and good luck. Give your sweet baby a kiss from us and hope he feels better.


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