Happy Birthday Jake and Maggie

Jun 8, 2018 | Pet Health, Pets, Treat Recipes

Today is Jake and Maggie’s first birthday!  I can’t believe it’s been one year already!!!  We made homemade peanut butter, banana, and oatmeal treats (recipe below) for their birthday party tomorrow.  I’m crossing my fingers the weather holds out so we can pull out their baby pool for swim time and everyone can eat out on the patio and enjoy nice weather.  The pups will love running around the yard too!  I’ll be sharing several videos and pictures over the next couple of days of the party.  As I look back at all the pictures we have taken over the last year, my heart melts when I see how small they were.  Boy have they grown and they still melt my heart.  They have developed such loving, funny, and sweet personalities and are very, very smart.


“FIRST DAY HOME!”  “They ran up to the side of the driveway and posed like this.  I rushed to take this picture and caught them just in time before they started playing again”.




“Jake and Maggie bolted for the shrubs soon after taking this first picture.  What fun it was to watch them.  We had a few shrubs bent but we didn’t care”.  

“Our living room floor looked like this for an entire 2 months”. There were toys and blankets covering every inch of it”. 


“Peanut Butter, Banana, and Oatmeal Dog Treats”

Ingredients (I doubled the recipe because we have other doggie friends coming to the party)
1 egg
⅓ cup peanut butter (chunky or creamy)
1 cup whole wheat flour
½ cup oats
½ cup mashed banana

Preheat oven to 300*F.
Combine all ingredients in your mixing bowl. The order doesn’t really matter.

Knead dough until ball forms. Add a little more flour if the dough is sticky.

Flatten dough on counter or cutting board, either with your hands or a rolling pin. If the dough is sticky, add a little more flour.
Use adorable cookie cutters like these.
Prepare cookie sheet by spritzing olive oil on it, or use parchment paper.
Bake at 300*F for about 20 minutes.
This recipe will make a few dozen cookies.

All ingredients are safe for human consumption. Because of the egg, I would not recommend feeding this dough to your pup while it’s raw.  Also, my batter turned out dryer than I would have liked.  I think next time I’ll had more mashed up banana.  

I used SimpleTruth Organic Peanut Butter.  Make sure you do not buy any with sugar added or sugar substitute.


I ended up not having enough room on my tray because I used the larger bone pattern so I made meatballs with the rest of the dough.  Jake and Maggie got to taste test and doggie approved!  

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