Jake and Maggie’s First Pet Expo Experience

Nov 19, 2019 | Life, Travel

We had a beautiful weekend here in the burgh and what better way to spend a sunny afternoon with your pup but take them with you to the Pittsburgh Pet Expo.  Jake and Maggie had a day of firsts from riding an elevator,  to walking the streets of Pittsburgh, to attending the Pittsburgh Pet Expo.  I was hesitant at first because this could have been sensory overload for them but as Thomas and I talked more about it, we figured why not!  If it wasn’t working out and the pups were nervous, we could always leave.  We were pleasantly surprised and so proud of how they handled themselves.

Maggie is mad!

Getting ready to jump in the car for a fun filled day and new experiences but Maggie is mad because she doesn’t like her new “no pull lead” on her face and won’t take her picture.

Enjoying the expo!

Stopped to get a drink of water.

Hanging out waiting for the fun agility competition 🙂

Taking a little break while waiting for the agility competition to start.  

Dog grooming competition!

This was called “Creatures By The Sea”…I think???  

Dog Grooming Competition

I have no idea what this one was called but what amazed me was how still these dogs stood.  It was as if they were not real!!!!!

Jake getting kisses from his daddy!

LOL…looked at his little scrunched up face!!

Jake relaxing at the expo!

The dogs sat patiently while we watched some Pittsburgh Pet Influencers and their dogs participate in a question and answer panel.  

Waiting for the elevator!

Our day was coming to an end.  The next stop was home and the pups immediately fell asleep in the car.  

If you plan to take your pet or pets to an event like this with thousands of people, over 300 vendors, agility courses, high pitched sounds, lots of activity and other dogs of all shapes, breeds, and sizes, I would recommend:
  • Getting your pet acclimated to a similar environment but on a smaller scale
  • Bring water and a travel bowl incase your pet gets thirsty
  • Come prepared with bags, napkins, and wipes incase your pet has an accident inside the venue
  • Let your pet rest if they seem to be getting tired
  • Be prepared to politely tell others not to feed your dog if you do not want your pet taking strange food or treats
  • Be aware of where and what your pet is doing at all times
Jake and Maggie got to take pictures with Santa Clause which will be ready for download on December 1st.  They met many wonderful puppies like them, got to make friends with the vendors, saw some furry friends that they made during their TDI training classes, and watched a Q & A panel of Pet Influencers while relaxing next to mom and dad.  I was asked to be a part of the panel next year and am so excited.  I feel it is an honor and would be glad to help out.  I’ll have some Influencer experience under my belt and can talk about all of the amazing things that Two Adorable Labs has accomplished in 2020.
Needless to say, the pups were worn out when we got home but it was a great day.  It was a great opportunity to utilize their training vests and to show all of us that new
experiences are fun and not scary.  Thomas and I are looking forward to participating in more events and can’t wait to see how Jake and Maggie grow into their roles as therapy dogs.  It was a fun activity for the four of us to participate in and only $10.00 per person at the door!

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