Road Dogs and Rescue
I’m very excited to talk about an interview that I did with Alyssa Thai, Social Media Marketing for Road Dogs and Rescue at I contacted Road Dogs via a direct message through Instagram wanting to know more about the organization and how I could help spread the word on saving the lives of these poor animals left starved, sick, and abandoned. Alyssa was so kind in answering my questions and provided links for more detail. She provided helpful links and a YouTube video that her and her fiancé put together of their trip to China where they volunteered to help slaughterhouse survivors. They brought back 5 very lucky pups to find loving homes and showed the compassion and love volunteers and fosters give. But I do want to warn you, this video can be hard to watch because they show the brutality of what these animals go through.
Because although they are ‘cute’ and expensive, many wind up in the shelters or unwanted because people do not realize how expensive they can be to maintain. Eye issues, skin issues, joint issues – you name it, bulldogs get it. They are the Lovable Lemons of the canine world!

1. What drives someone to foster a dog? The ups and downs? The passion behind this kind act?
2. What is a typical day for a volunteer at Road Dogs?
3. What obstacles are there to running an organization such as yours?
4. What would you like the general public to know about your organization?
5. What is the most important aspect of adopting a special needs dog?
6. Can you tell me something about your organization that your website does not say?

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