20 Activities And Cleaning Tips To Help You Get Through The Coronavirus Quarantine
I have been debating whether to blog about the coronavirus because we have been inidated with hearing it on the news and in discussions with friends and family. Firstly, my heart goes out to those who are suffering and sick right now and to those who have lost a loved one due to this virus. I also want to send a special message to those who are helping to save lives and my gratitude goes out to all of you. I am also sending blessings to those who are fighting to save our sweet animals who are lost, abused, as well as, shelters who are fighting the fight to keep the animals safe, sound, and fed. Lastly, thank you to those who have opened up their homes to pets in need of fostering.
I was out the other night getting gas and that is when I decided I would put a post together. I was at Kroger and sitting at their gas station using the pump to fill up my Jeep thinking about everything that I was touching that someone else had touched before me….like the keypad…yuck! There are so many things we don’t think about and my mind was racing. Among the many surfaces to wipe off and things to worry about, we are now stuck in the house. But, I’m putting a positive spin on this because, in times like these, we have to think positive.
Jake's reaction to the Coronavirus quarantine! LOL

Here are the many ways you can survive this quarantine:
1. Spring clean! Did you notice I didn’t say “clean”. We all clean but what about going through those drawers, closets, and cabinets that need cleaned and organized. I recently went through all of our closets and got rid of everything we weren’t wearing, didn’t fit, or was broken. My motto was “Not using it, then it’s gone”. I now have clean organized closets and Good Will has items to sell!
2. How about creating a space that functions better for your needs! For example, I re-organized one of our kitchen cabinets and made a coffee station, cookbook holder, and drawers for miscellaneous items such as batteries, kitchen odds and ends. Our expresso/coffee machine broke so we are using an older Mr. Coffee we had from our house in MO. We had a hodge podge of miscellaneous coffee cups so I threw the worst ones away. I bought 4 nicer mugs on the clearance rack at TJ Maxx to use incase we got visitors. We are stocked up on coffee for now! I always look forward to a cup of coffee with Thomas in the morning :-).
3. Make a list of yard work that needs done. The hardware and home improvement stores are open but if you don’t want to take the chance and go, go through your shed or garage and see what items you have left from last year such as potting soil, mulch, gardening tools, and start your yard work. We have a list a mile long at our house and that includes picking up and bagging leaves and mulching the entire perimeter of our house! We don’t have anything left from last year but if we did, I could get a head start! I already see weeds coming up and two of my planters need scraped and painted! Make a list of small items that need done at the house and fix them. We have a ripped screen on one of our kitchen doors (compliments of Jake). We have a roll of mesh and will fix it tomorrow!
4. Make a spring wreath for your door! If you are crafty and have miscellaneous craft supplies and silk flowers, make yourself a wreath!
5. Catch up on reading! Download a book or dive into those hard copies that have been siting there staring at you.
6. Make it a movie night. Pour a glass of wine, light a candle, and enjoy getting caught up on your TV shows and movies.
7. Pamper yourself :-). Fill the bathtub with your favorite bubble bath scent, turn on the music, have a candle burning, and soak in the tub. Have a cup of hot tea, hot cocoa, or a bubbly afterwards while sitting in your favorite bath robe or jammies!
8. I have always been bullied and told that I’m “prissy” because I love to dress up. I love makeup, hair products, clothes, jewelry, and heels. But that’s ok because I have never changed what I love. I also love getting dressed up and going to a nice dinner with Thomas. We can’t go right now but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a nice romantic dinner at home. We might not be sitting in our finest, but I made us a delicious dinner Friday night and we enjoyed a dinner for 2 and a glass of wine just as if were sitting in a restaurant.
9. If you are feeling a bit depressed, do something that you do every day that makes you happy. I get up every day and put on makeup whether I’m going out or not. It makes me feel better and gets my day started. I enjoy mixing different lipstick colors and lipliners and have fun finding color palettes to work with my fair skin. Makeup tip: Better Than Sex Mascara by Too Faced is AMAZING! It is jet black, full coverage, and comes off with soap and water. It makes my lashes look long and thick and is cruelty free!!!! You can find it at Sephora…one of my favorite places :-).
10. Take your pups for a walk! Keep your pets occupied by teaching them new tricks. Create a healthy treat recipe for them to enjoy! Wash all of their toys, blankets, collars, leashes, bowls, and sheets.
Our new coffee station!
We have a nook in our kitchen that I have made more functional by incorporating coffee, cookbooks, and miscellaneous kitchen items. Dealing with an angled cabinet can be tough but make it special with something you enjoy. For me, this holds all of my cookbooks. I can make coffee without disturbing the entire kitchen and the drawers hold all of our batteries, flash lights, pens, paper, other small miscellaneous items we need and address book…which needs updated! Another thing to do while I’m in quarantine :-).

We are being told to wipe down all surfaces but how about smaller items we might not be thinking about such as:
1. Your vehicle’s steering wheel, door handles, console, and dashboard
2. Your cell phone and house phone
3. Door knobs, outlet covers, and light switches
4. Take wipes with you to wash off your hands after touching the gas pump, doors to businesses, railings and staircases, drive-thru windows such as banks, pharmacy, and fast food chains
5. Door handles to your refrigerator, stove, dishwasher, microwave, washer and dryer knobs
6. Toilet handles
7. Wipes to wipe down your dogs after being outside, around other people, or moving around the car
8. Wipe down purse handles and luggage
9. Wipe down TV remote control, video games, computes, laptops, and cables
10. Wipe down kitchen and bathroom knobs and faucets
Cleaning Jake and Maggie's Nylabones in the dishwasher
It doesn’t hurt to wash your pet’s toys and hard bones like these Nylabones seen here. Putting them in the washer gets rid of the bacteria on them that can be transferred to other surfaces. Set your washer on hot and steam but remember not to use detergent. Using Vinegar will get rid of the bacteria and leave your dog’s toys clean without the harsh chemical residue of a detergent. I bought this cute basket at Home Goods to hold all of their bones. Do you think they have enough bones or should I buy more? LOL!

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