Banana Bread Pup Cakes

Jun 18, 2020 | Pets, Treat Recipes

Happy “Friday Treats Friday” everyone!!!!  I really enjoyed baking these Banana Bread Pup Cakes for Jake and Maggie’s birthday.  I loved planning their party and seeing the dogs run around the yard with smiles on their faces.  If you haven’t viewed the posts yet, you can find them (HERE) and (HERE).  You can’t have a puppy party without a doggie cake.  I almost ordered one but then told myself….you run a doggie blog…make one!  So I came up with these “pup cakes” that worked out perfectly and made enough to fill every slot on the fire hydrant holder.  I will say these cakes are a very dense patty of goodness and do not rise into a fluffy ball of goodness but the dogs loved them.  They are packed full of bananas which Jake and Maggie love.  I chose to ice the cakes with organic peanut butter and top them off with oats for the sprinkles.
My technique for icing the cakes was a little different as you can see.  I’ve been reading a ton of food recipes and food blogs and noticed that the pictures that have been catching my eye are more of a messy look.  The pictures are vibrant but not perfect and so I thought I’d give it a try with this recipe.  Did I accomplish a messy look?  LOL!  Don’t be afraid to tell me!  If you try these, enjoy and let me know how they turned out for you.  And as always, lab tested, doggie approved!  Enjoy!

Maggie lovers her banana bread pup cakes!

I told Maggie her birthday was over

and this was the look I got!  haa haa. 

Banana Bread Pup Cakes
7 ripe bananas
2 cups whole wheat flour
1 tablespoon vanilla
coconut oil
peanut butter (organic)
Instant Oats
Fill cupcake pan with cupcake holders of your choice.  My sister, (aka, Aunt Carla) gave me these adorable birthday holders.
Mash bananas
Add coconut oil and vanilla
Mix well until combined (I used a hand held mixer)
Poor into holders about halfway
Bake at 300 degrees for 20 minutes
Let cool and top with peanut butter and oats
This recipe made 16 pup cakes

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  1. Carla Evans

    I love the idea of “pup cakes”! I think the dogs did too ????

    • Bobbi

      They did! LOL. I think they are understanding the concept of “Friday Treats Friday” too! LOL


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