Electrical Safety And Your Pet

Jul 28, 2020 | Electrical Safety, Jakes Garage, Pet Health, Pets, Tips and Tricks, Videos

This is a re-post:  November is here and with Christmas right around the corner, I thought it would be fun to post this again along with some updated information.  Thomas is a wealth of information when its comes to electrical safety, codes and standards.  He now has a YouTube channel, as well as, his social media links which I have posted below.   Feel free to contact him with any questions.
Happy Wednesday everyone!  I’ve been promising a video from guest speaker, Thomas Domitrovich (AKA My Husband or Mr. TAL as we call him on the blog) about electrical safety and pets and here it is!!  Thomas is the Vice President of Technical Sales for Eaton Corporation and has 20+ years in the electrical industry as an Electrical Engineer as well as obtaining his Professional Engineer (PE) License.  He has put together a short video talking about reducing electrical hazards in your home and what to look for if you have pets.  Jake and Maggie also make a guest appearance!  Please enjoy and should you have any electrical questions, please leave them in the comments and I will get back to you.
Jumping for joy
If you are interested in more electrical safety videos, check Thomas out on his YouTube channel at:
or his website:
Other links:
Jumping for joy
A.  Energized Appliances – Is the appliance at your dog’s level?  Can your pet interact with it?  Might they chew on it?
B.  Anything that is energized, be mindful of the cord that is connected to the item and plugged into the receptacle – Where is it draped?  Can the dog pull the appliance off the counter or end table?  Can they chew on the cord?
C.  The use of extension cords – What extension cords do you have distributing power to appliances or to products in the home?  Does your dog have access to those cords?  Might they chew on those cords?  Proper application of the cord – don’t make the mistake of putting an extension cord under your rug to keep it from your pet.  You also create a new hazard because it is not rated for that and could over heat and ignite the carpet on fire.

D.  What is your backup plan?  What do you have in place for when things go wrong?  Two technical interruptors that are important are GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters) and AFCI (Arc Fault Circuit Interruptors).  Those technologies will help reduce the likely hood of shock and electrical fires.  Nothing is full proof but we reduce the chances of harm by taking all of these precautions.
Thank you Thomas for putting this video together for me!  You are truly the best!  And thank you to Jake and Maggie for your doses of cuteness!  If you would love to see more electrical safety videos, please comment below.  Stay tune for more posts on Jake and Maggie’s fun activities, pet related topics, recipes, and home decor.  As always, if you have a topic you would like me to research and post, don’t hesitate to comment or email me at twoadorablelabs@gmail.com!

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What Do You Think? Let Us Know!


  1. Barbara Bolduc

    Wow Thomas that was really good! You are a natural at speaking and gave some very informative information. And the fur babies did extremely well too. ????????

    • Bobbi

      Thank you! Stay tuned for more videos. We just added a page called “Jake’s Garage” that will included topics on home remodeling, garage topics, and electrical safety for humans and our fur babies!


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