Frozen Apple Peanut Butter Brittle

Apr 21, 2020 | Pets, Treat Recipes

I am so excited to put this Frozen Apple Peanut Butter Brittle doggie treat recipe out to you guys!!  Can you imagine slivered apples, peanut butter, and oats together and frozen into brittle?  Well, this recipe is doggie approved and delicious.  I even had a small bowl of it myself because it is that good!  Jake and Maggie had a great day today running and playing in the yard.  They watched me as I worked outside a bit and then we played frisbee.  I promised the pups that they would get a homemade treat for being so good and I couldn’t go back on my promise.  We came into the house and I whipped up this recipe.  It literally took 10 minutes to make and an hour to freeze.

I’m interested to hear what favorite food your dog loves.  Is it a fruit, vegetable, or both?  Jake and Maggie love apples, baby carrots, blueberries, and zucchini; four of their favorites.  If you would like me to make a recipe from your pets favorites, contact me via email or comment below and I’ll create a post specifically for you!!


Frozen Apple Peanut Butter Brittle



1 honey crisp apple
2 cups peanut butter, organic
2 cups oats


Cut apple into slices and then into small slivers
Mix with peanut butter and oats
Freeze for 1 hour

Note:  You can roll this recipe into small balls or just break it up like I did, lay on a sheet pan and freeze.  I am storing these treats in an air tight container in the freezer.


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