How To Bathe A Cat
Binky was found as a kitten in the dead of winter at 11:30 pm by myself and my dog Bear. He was hiding behind a row of shrubs against the foundation of the house trying to get warm. If it wasn’t for Bear sniffing through the shrubs, I would have never known he was there. I spread the shrubs open enough to see what was going on and his little face looked up at me as if to say, please help me. He didn’t run when I scooped him up. I brought him into the house, got him warm, fed him, and he fell fast asleep. My sister saw him and it was love at first sight. He is now one spoiled 17 year old cat!

- Place your cat in a sink or tub refilled with warm water and avoid turning the faucet on and off, as the site and sound provoke stress
- Use a large cup to gently pour the water over her body avoiding her head
- Lather with cat-safe shampoo, and rinse the same way
- Wrap her in a towel and dry vigorously
- You can also back-comb her fur to help it to create more quickly
- Make sure the cat is tired or has a full belly in the hopes they will be calm.
- If possible, trim and file nails before the bath.
- Fill the sink or tub with a few inches of warm water before bringing the cat in as the sound of running water can make them panic.
- Put all your bath supplies within easy reach, including a non-breakable cup for rinsing the cat, as well as cat shampoo and crème rinse. Crème rinse is important because shampoo alone may strip the cat’s fur of its natural oils and dry out the skin.
- If your cat likes a particular treat, have it ready to reward them afterwards.
- If possible, find a helper so one can hold the cat while the other handles cleaning the cat.
- Once you have the cat, get the dirty parts of the cat wet and then lather with shampoo, washing only the parts you need to and then rinsing thoroughly. Use a washcloth around the face and ears.
- Follow shampoo with the crème rinse, letting it sit up to five minutes. Rinse thoroughly.
- Towel dry as much as possible. Then, brush or comb to remove any loose hair to make the cat’s self-grooming process less hairy.
A mother cat showed up at my parent’s house 16 years ago and gave birth to three beautiful kittens under a large shrub right by their porch. My sister took all three kittens and my parents took the mother. Piggy is one of the babies and got his name because he is a total piglet and loves food! Mama cat got the name Boo Boo Kitty and is the sweetest cat you have ever met. Let’s just say that I’m a cat lover because of these sweet animals and all are living the good life.

Great informational resources for cat grooming below. And…if you have a cat bathing story and want to share, please comment below. I would love to hear about it!
I love hearing from all of you and do my best to respond to each and every one of you. I always enjoy your comments, feedback, and suggestions so keep them coming! If I’ve posted a recipe (for our human and our furry friends) and you try it, don’t forget to tag me on Instagram @twoadorablelabs and use #twoadorablelabs.

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Aww look at my precious babies!???? Good info on bathing cats bc it can be quite the experience lol ???? I love Burts Bees products and always have them stocked in the house ????
Thank you! Binky, Wilbur, Piggy, and Boo Boo Kitty are the sweetest!