Nylabone for the power chewers

Jun 16, 2019 | Pets, Products

I haven’t done a product review in a while so I figured I’d take another chance on a toy that said “Tuff Enuff”.  I was at Shop N’ Save today getting groceries and stopped in the pet isle to see what they had.  I’ve posted before about how Jake and Maggie do not to play well with toys, they demolish them!  Well, I bought 2 canvas toys in the shape of a bone and 2 Nylabones in the shape of a Dinosaur.  My first thought was…well, I’m probably wasting my money on the canvas toys but the Nylabones will make it!  I was right :-). To be honest, I know for sure because we have a box on the side of the couch that holds all of the Nylabones I’ve bought them over the last two years!  Did you know that you can put them in the dishwasher???  Yes, you can.  If you want to see a post on that, let me know! 
Well, as you can see, I was right.  It doesn’t matter how strong the toy is or what the package says, they will destroy it. The only toy I can give them is a Nylabone of different shapes, sizes, and flavors.  I chose this Dinosaur because it had the dental nubs on the body of it to help clean teeth.  Plus it wad chicken flavor and I know the monsters love chicken.  They enjoyed themselves so much while tearing up the toys and destroying the living room, they wore themselves out.  haa haa. Jake collapsed on the couch and is still sleeping and Maggie moved from the kitchen to our leather chair where she’s been for the last hour.  Guess what I’m doing after I put together this post????  Yep, I’m cleaning :-). 
If you want to see the other posts I’ve done on Jake and Maggie and their love for chewing up toys and the toys I’ve tried, check them out HEREHERE, and HERE!  Hope you enjoyed this post!

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