Pumpkin Puppuccinos
Happy Friday everyone!! I haven’t done a dog recipe in a while so let’s kick off the weekend with a homemade Pumpkin Puppuccino Two Adorable Labs style!!!! That means, I prepare a delicious, healthy doggie snack while Jake and Maggie wait patiently for me to put it front of them…such good pups…then they devour it while I take pictures and videos. Then they walk away and leave me to clean up :-). LOL!
I was inspired to make this recipe today when I pulled into Starbuck’s and saw the lady in front of me getting a Puppuccino for her dog. I ran through the ingredients in my head that I had at home and the only thing I didn’t have was yogurt. A pit stop at Krogers to get my plain, nonfat, Greek yogurt and I was home making my little monsters something special. I hope your pups enjoy this super easy snack. Let me know how they like it!!!

Pumpkin Puppuccino
1 15 oz can pumpkin 100% puree
1/3 cup plain nonfat Greek yogurt
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
4 tablespoons old fashion oats
1 cup ice
Mix together using a blender or Bullet
Add a layer of yogurt (I used approximately 3 tablespoons in each glass)
Sprinkle with cinnamon
This recipe makes 4 smaller shaped glasses. I used decorative glasses because I know Jake and Maggie won’t break them but you might want to use paper cups or even a bowl if you are not worried about it looking pretty. I was there to make sure nothing was broken. After the picture taking, I held the glass for them just to make sure. No dogs were harmed in the process of making this blog post :-).

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Love the idea! I would like to find more places that offer pet beverages or food…so fun!!!
Thank you! Maybe an idea for a new post!!! I’ll be on the search :-).