by Two Adorable Labs | Aug 29, 2023 | Pet Health, Pets, Tips and Tricks
What You Need To Know About Emergency Vets Happy Wednesday everyone! Needing an emergency vet is a stressful and scary thing! Needing to visit one of these facilities is different than going to a regular vet appointment. Today on the blog we talking about What You...
by Two Adorable Labs | Sep 21, 2022 | Pet Health, Pets, Tips and Tricks
Luxating Patella / Cranial Cruciate Ligament Happy Wednesday everyone! I’ve mentioned in the last few blog posts that Jake has had some surgery and that surgery was to fix a Luxating Patella and Cranial Cruciate Ligament. He is doing very well but we had some ups...
by Two Adorable Labs | Jul 28, 2021 | Pet Health, Pets, Tips and Tricks
What To Do If Your Dog Has Been Stung By A Bee Happy Wednesday everyone! What would you do if your pup got stung by a bee? I was thinking about this the other day as I was watching the many bumble bees buzzing about my yard. Jake And Maggie are not phased by these...
by Two Adorable Labs | Jan 12, 2021 | Pet Health, Pets
Sportmix Pet Food Recall FDA ALERT – ANYONE FEEDING THEIR PET SPORTMIX PET FOOD SHOULD READ THIS! MORE THAN 70 PETS DIE OF HIGH LEVELS OF AFLATOXIN IN PET FOOD! The U.S. Food & Drug Administration is alerting pet parents and veterinary professionals about a...
by Two Adorable Labs | Sep 27, 2020 | Pet Health, Pets, Products, Tips and Tricks
Ways To Save On Pet Expenses Happy Monday everyone!! We got a delivery on Saturday from SmartyPaws Vitamins for the dogs, see previous post (HERE) and I said to Thomas, between their insurance (HERE), organic food, organic treats, vitamins and probiotics, I need to...