How To Fill Your Dog’s Emotional Cup
Happy Wednesday everyone! After a month long break from blogging, I’m back and feeling refreshed. I came across an article recently on How To Fill Your Dog’s Emotional Cup and keeping your pup happy and healthy. A dog’s emotional cup is just like yours. It’s basically the threshold of social connections, security, and enrichment that your dog needs in order to feel fulfilled. When dogs are denied the connections and fulfillment they need to thrive, it can deeply impact their behavior and disposition.

I’m Bobbi Jo, a lab-lover who took my passion for animals and dogs and turned it into something bigger. When I adopted Jake and Maggie, my love for them became the driving force behind Two Adorable Labs, and my blog was born. My hope is to not only share them with the world, but to help educate others on the importance of animal health and well-being.
I love hearing from all of you and do my best to respond to each and every one of you. I always enjoy your comments, feedback, and suggestions so keep them coming! If I’ve posted a recipe (for our human and our furry friends) and you try it, don’t forget to tag me on Instagram @twoadorablelabs and use #twoadorablelabs.
If you do try and love my recipes, I would greatly appreciate a comment and rating. I read every single one and respond to them. It also lets Google know that the website contains quality content. The more comments and 5-star ratings, the more Google will show my blog in search results! Thank you so much!
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Great post! Welcome back.
Thank you! I took a much needed break. After blogging for 7 years straight, I had to recharge but I’m back now :-). Hope you are doing well.