How To Navigate My Website

Apr 28, 2021 | Charity, Food, Jakes Garage, Maggie Lane Designs, Pets, Tips and Tricks

Happy Friday everyone!  Navigating My Website and 2021 Bucket List.  We are kicking off the weekend with an update to my previous post “Kicking Off 2021 With A Pudding Dessert And TAL’s Bucket List”.  Hind sight being 2020, I should have separated the two blog posts which I might do later but, none the less, I’ve accomplished some items off my 2021 list that I want to share with you.  One being many updates to my website which lends me to believe that I should talk about how to navigate TAL’s site!  Follow this blog along to see Jake and Maggie’s picture that I entered into a contest and how to vote.  Find where I’ll be on May 8th and about something fun called a Flowcode!  And…don’t forget to scroll all the way through to the bottom where you will find previous posts to click on and ads placed through Amazon that pertain to each blog post that I create.  Click on the ad to take you directly to the product you are interested in.
I first want thank my web designer Carrie Kuhl, UpFrame Creative, who has been amazing to work with.  Let me tell you how amazing…I can email her with a problem and I get an email back saying “I’m on it” and it’s fixed in no time at all.  I can email Carrie with a list of things I want to add or change and she helps me with each step even though I’ve probably confused her to no end!  Our excitement, creativity, and Carrie’s patience and knowledge together have helped to build TAL’s website to what it is today.  Looking to start a website, branding your business, or update what you already have, contact Carrie here:

TAL’s (Two Adorable Labs) Bucket List For 2021 Completed Items

Learn how to take better pictures – Always practicing and I think I’m getting better. Let me know what you think by commenting below!

Launch Maggie Lane Designs – Launched!!! I’ve talked about it in my Shed Revamp blog post.  This page is for those who love home decor, interior design, and tablescapes.

Launch Jake’s Garage – Launched!! I’ve talked about it in my Shed Revamp blog post.  This page is for those who love home remodeling projects, welding projects, and those DIY’rs.

Add more videos to my blog posts – Just signed up for a YouTube account and will start creating videos very soon (like next week). YouTube – Two Adorable Labs.  I will be creating, re-creating, recipes for both humans and our furry friends.  Anything you would like me to try, send me your recipe or title of the meal or dessert and I’ll make it for you.

Finish cookbooks 2 and 3 – Completed! Both books are available on TAL’s store in digital download for $5.00 each.  Talked about it in the blog post Maple Glazed Apple Pull-Apart Bread.

2 giveaways – Launched one last month via Instagram. Will do one soon via my website for my subscribers.

Reach 1000 followers (and more) on Instagram – Reaching my goal very soon. I’m at 985 right now!!

Etsy store – Opened an Etsy store called TwoAdorableLabs selling my candles for now.  I will be slowly adding more items throughout the year.  Find us at

Scheduled a trip to Charlotte May 21st. What are you interested in hearing about from that trip? Food, Sightseeing, Activities?

Write more product related posts and linked to where the products can be bought – Currently trying to do that. Put out posts on Pet Safe Paint and Beauty Products. Monetized the blog so that pictures and links appear at the bottom of every blog post. Scroll down to the bottom after my signature and you will see them there.

Vote For Jake And Maggie!

Raising money for Joey’s PAW!  BellaReesePhotography and Joey’s PAW have teamed up to raise money for animals in need of wheelchairs and prosthetics!  Vote for the pups here! –

Organize TAL’s website better – Here is the new structure:

About – The about page has been broken up into two pages. You will now be able to click on “About Bobbi Jo” with my new bio and things to know about me and “Meet The Labs” with Jake And Maggie being the center of attention :-).

Blog – All blogs, Food, Life, and Pets

– Food – all recipes pertaining to food
– Life – Beauty, fashion, book review, travel
– Pets – Tips and Tricks, Pet Health, Products, Treat Recipes

Maggie Lane Designs – DIY, Garden, Holiday, Interior Design, Tablescapes.  This page is for those who love home remodeling, interior design projects, DIY, garden, tablescapes.  A new “color board” project is coming soon!

Jake’s Garage – Electrical Safety, Electrical Engineering.  Mr. Tal’s newly created website is linked to the electrical engineering page where he talks about all things electrical safety for your home.

Shop – Hand poured soy candles,  custom 5 x 7 postcards with envelope, Cookbooks for us humans and our furry friends, Digital recipe cards for us humans.  Shipping only via USPS First Class Mail and Priority Mail.

Work With Me – Working with brands, brands I’ve worked with, and guest post writing.  Contact me via this page if you are interested.

Want to see all that we accomplished last year, check out our blog here:  Two Adorable Labs Accomplishments (TAL) 2020

Spring Craft Show |

Flowcode – See picture below

Blog post – When you subscribe to my website, you will receive the blog posts that I write and send out on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to your email.  When you open your email, you will see my post with a black button that says “Read The Blog”.  You click on that and it takes you to my post.  You can save it, read it, and comment.  You can also unsubscribe if you do not like my posts but if you could comment as to why, I would greatly appreciate it.  I am always open for new ideas and suggestions.

Instagram account – On every post, I now have a blurb thanking you for your comments and suggestions and information on tagging me or following me on Instagram @twoadorablelabs using the #twoadorablelabs

Added privacy policy and return policy to website and store.

Cookbooks – Cookbook icons have been added throughout the site if you would like to order, as well as, an updated store front.  I am hoping to add more stationary items this year.  The candle line will also be evolving as well.

Scan with your cell phone camera

Open up your phone’s camera and scan the round circle.  A pop up will appear.  Click on it and it will take you directly to my website on your phone!  

Two Adorable Labs Flowcode |

I love hearing from all of you and do my best to respond to each and every one of you.  I always enjoy your comments, feedback, and suggestions so keep them coming!  If I’ve posted a recipe (for our human and our furry friends) and you try it, don’t forget to tag me on Instagram @twoadorablelabs and use #twoadorablelabs​.

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What Do You Think? Let Us Know!


  1. Carla Evans

    Awesome job! I love your blog and am so proud of you and all of your accomplishments! Goodluck to Jake and Maggie on the contest ❤

    • Bobbi

      Awh thank you so much! I always appreciate your comments. Love you!


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