Maggie Lane 


A place where color and style meet. Sharing ideas, DIY and passion projects, gardening tips, and more!

Maggie Lane 


A place where color and style meet. Sharing ideas, DIY and passion projects, gardening tips, and more!

Where my two favorite things meet; my love for all things design and my black Labrador; Maggie. Maggie is the inspiration behind the name Maggie Lane Designs. My maiden name Lane was the piece that made it all flow.

4 Easy Steps To Help You Get Organized

4 Easy Steps To Help You Get Organized

Happy Thursday everyone!  What a week it has been!  I’m rushing spring to get here and have been spring cleaning all week!  I set out on a mission to organize all of our closets and drawers and finished up with that today!  One of my items on my bucket list for 2020 was to prioritize my time better and by doing that, I have been making a “To Do” list.  What a difference it has made in what I’m able to accomplish.   I even made my spring wreath earlier this year and put it on the front door...

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Meaningful Ways To Celebrate New Year’s Day

Meaningful Ways To Celebrate New Year’s Day

This is a re-post with photos taken throughout 2022 and updated blog posts at the bottom.  We've reached The 24 Days Before Christmas which means New Year's Eve and New Year's Day is next up!  What goals did you make for yourself?  Do you make resolutions?  I'm wishing you all a wonderful holiday, holidays, and a wonderful 2023.   I have to admit that when I was younger, it didn’t much matter to me if I celebrated New Year’s Day or not.  As I’ve gotten older, I started looking forward to...

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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

One more day until Christmas Eve!  Thomas and I have done our grocery shopping and now we are baking!  I won't be blogging for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  I know everyone is busy and will be tired from the holidays but I wanted to send some older posts your way.  These recipes turned out great and we had so much fun making them! Cheese Raviolis, Ooey Gooey Butter Cake, and Sugar Cookies for us and treats for the dogs!

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Gift Wrapping Ideas + How To Make A Bow Videos

Gift Wrapping Ideas + How To Make A Bow Videos

This is a re-post with updated information and links. Happy Monday everyone! We are day 12 into The 24 Days Before Christmas and I’m finishing up my post on How To Make A Bow Using Two Ribbons. Per my last post “How To Make A Bow” with instructions and video, I wanted to include the second phase of videos in this previous post I did a few years ago on Gift Wrapping Ideas. I though it would be fun to incorporate how to make a bow with two different sizes and patterns. I love ribbon and when I...

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How To Create An Elegant Christmas Table

How To Create An Elegant Christmas Table

I have been very organized this year with decorating and buying gifts.  I even set two holidays tables and can't wait for you to see all the pictures I've included in this post of our dining room table!  The only thing I have to do now is grocery shop and cook Christmas dinner!  Well, actually we are having a brunch with my parents, sister and brother-in-law!  Later, Thomas and I enjoy the tree being on, Christmas movies, Jake and Maggie playing with their new Christmas toys, and a plate of...

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How To Create A Casual Holiday Table

How To Create A Casual Holiday Table

Who is finished wrapping and decorating for Christmas???  I am!!!!!!  You know I love tablescapes so I decided to put two different looks together this year.  These are the pictures of our kitchen table of a more casual look which I’m so excited to show you.  I will blog about our dining room table with a formal look on Saturday. I bought these Pioneer Woman Holiday dishes at Walmart two years ago.  This year I found the table runner, red wine glasses, and snowmen at Home Goods and the...

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Candle Making At Yankee Candle

Candle Making At Yankee Candle

I’ve been saying for a very long time that I want to learn how to make candles and well…I finally did it! Woo hoo! The Mall at Robinson in Robinson, PA has a Yankee Candle store set up where you can go to, choose your favorite scent or scents and make your own custom candle. I’ve had this action item on my bucket list for a long time and now have created a Chocolate, Whipped Cream, Caramel candle called “Maggie Rose Jake Thomas” that Thomas and I are going to burn Friday night. Why Friday...

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Holiday Gift Ideas Part 3

Holiday Gift Ideas Part 3

I had plans to send out one post of Holiday Gift Ideas and ended up with three posts.  I woke up this morning thinking of more ideas and just had to put a list together for you.  Christmas has become less personal over the years and I wanted to put some ideas together that are more personal and with more of a homemade crafty feel.  I’m also including some gift ideas that Thomas and I have been given and have given that we really loved.  I really hope that I have helped give you some ideas if...

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Holiday Gift Ideas Part 2

Holiday Gift Ideas Part 2

I hope you enjoyed my previous post on Holiday Gift Ideas and wanted to share more with you.  It all depends on how much you want to spend and how elaborate you want to go, but here are some gift basket ideas that might appeal to you.  And we must not forget to give the gift receipts just incase your friends and family need to return anything!  I never get offended when someone returns my gift.  I want them to enjoy it and if they don’t like it, I want them to get something that they will...

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Holiday Gift Ideas

Holiday Gift Ideas

The stores are in full throttle on promoting all their sales and I’m finally checking off an action item of putting together a post of gift ideas.  I was even more inspired after having lunch with a friend who was trying to decide what to get someone in her family and decided that Saturday I wanted to put together some ideas for you all.  I started my day with a plan of getting a post out this morning but that got derailed when Thomas wanted steak salads for lunch and I bought CHICKEN...

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Simple Decor For A Half Bath

Simple Decor For A Half Bath

We are one week closer to Christmas!  Can you believe it?!!  Is everyone decorated and ready to go?  I have everything done except my table scapes which I plan to do tomorrow night.  Over the next few weeks, I plan on showing you more of the house and I thought this couldn't be a better time to show you our half bath on the first floor.  This room was a plain boring off white room with no decor when we bought the house.  I finally got this room done and then it was time to decorate for the...

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How To Create A Christmas Wreath

How To Create A Christmas Wreath

We got our first big snowfall today...well, it was like an inch but it was pretty!!  Waking up to snow falling, the tree on, and a hot cup of coffee in hand...that's a relaxing morning :-). I went shopping with my sister today and as we backed out of the driveway, I looked at my cute little front porch that I just decorated and thought...what a fun post to do for tomorrow!  I bought the wreath and ribbon at Hobby Lobby for 50% off each, found flowers at Walmart and put it together.  I picked...

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