Fun Facts About Animals; Our Pets

94% of pet owners say their animal pal makes them smile more than once a day.

Dalmatians are born without spots! They are born with plain white coats with their first spots appearing after they are 1week old.

Cat Facts
Cats have 32 muscles in each ear.
Cats have 4 rows of whiskers.
Cats have no collarbone, which is one reason they are so flexible.
Cats spend approximately 30% of their waking hours grooming themselves.
“American Shorthair” is the designation reserved for pedigreed cats, while similar-looking cats of mixed or unknown origin are called “domestic shorthairs.”
Feline’s jaws cannot move sideways.
Cats have over one hundred vocal sounds, while dogs have about ten!
Cat whiskers are so sensitive they can detect the slightest change in air current.
Cats have 26 baby teeth and 30 permanent teeth.
See my post on cat health – Are Cats Lactose Intolerant and Three Ways Cats Communicate

Animal Facts
Fleas can jump 350 times its body length.
Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards.
Crocodiles cannot stick their tongue out.
Starfish do not have a brain.
Slugs have 4 noses.
Only female mosquitoes bite.
Polar bear skin is black!
The only mammal capable of flight is the bat.
A newborn kangaroo is the size of a lima bean.
For more animal related content, check my previous blogs How To Teach Children To Be Kind To Animals, The Breakdown Of An Animals Mind and Careers Involving Animals
I love hearing from all of you and do my best to respond to each and every one of you. I always enjoy your comments, feedback, and suggestions so keep them coming! If I’ve posted a recipe (for our human and our furry friends) and you try it, don’t forget to tag me on Instagram @twoadorablelabs and use #twoadorablelabs.

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