Holiday Gift Ideas 2021

Nov 10, 2021 | Holiday, Maggie Lane Designs, Pets, Products

Happy Wednesday everyone!  I can’t believe it’s November 10th already.  I wanted to spend all of November on Thanksgiving Day food, decor, Jake, and Maggie but as the emails come in, I’m realizing I need to get you a Holiday Gift Ideas post for you and your pet(s).  Mr. TAL and I spent Saturday shopping, having lunch at Burg’s Pizza and attending an event and craft fair at Bedner’s Greenhouse on Bees and Beauty hosted by Pittsburgh Honey.  It was an educational experience we won’t forget.  Nor will be forget an amazing couple and their adorable son from Sweet Home Vanilla selling coconut-beeswax candles along with kits on how to make your own vanilla…more on this later in the post!

If you are like me, you are probably close to being done with Christmas shopping (yes, I have one more gift to buy and I’ll be done).  If you are not, the links below show great gift ideas for your friends and loved ones.  I have ordered from each site over the years and more recently for myself and was never disappointed.  I made a promise last year I would purchase from small businesses and have not only found incredible gifts but met some wonderful and talented people.  Feel free to comment below if you have any recommendations or questions as I would gladly do another post for all of you.
Holiday Gift Ideas 2021 |
Sweet Home Vanilla
Amanda Voss, Owner
Vanilla, Candles, and Gifts
Mr. TAL and I stopped by Sweet Home Vanilla’s booth and talked to Amanda and her husband for a long while.  They have a great product based on “Vanilla”.  You can buy single candles or kits with their signature candle scent, 6 vanilla beans, vanilla bottle and instructions with 3 easy steps on how to make your homemade vanilla all wrapped up neat and beautiful and tied in a bow!  We couldn’t wait to try making our vanilla when we got home.  We chose to use Buffalo Trace Bourbon, cut our beans as instructed, and dated the bottle (there is a line for that) to open on Valentine’s Day!
Holiday Gift Ideas 2021 |
Holiday Gift Ideas 2021 |
Pittsburgh Honey – Alissa
Abeille Beauté – handcrafted beeswax cosmetics
After the class, we were allowed to try different kinds of Pennsylvania honey and talked with Alissa, one of the America’s Honey Queens.  Yes, they have America’s Honey Bee Queen and Princess.  The queens and princesses travel the world serving as a spokesperson for the beekeeping and honey industry.  We purchased four different kinds of honey and some beauty products to try.  They even have products for men!!  So far I’ve tried the lip balm and scrub and they are amazing.  Did you know that honeybees have two stomachs?  The first stomach holds the pollens to be taken back to the hive for “processing”.
Holiday Gift Ideas 2021 |
More amazing businesses, products, and bloggers who have put together their holiday gift idea lists:
Fashion – Rachel Parcell –
Food – Half Baked Harvest –
Candles/Stationary/Gift Cards – Two Adorable Labs –
Homemade Dog and Cat Treats – Ava’s Pet Palace –
Homemade dog and cat bow ties/leashes/etc – The Pampered Pooches –
Coffee/tea/hot chocolate/dog and cat toys/etc – Puppy Paws Coffee Company (use code 2LABS at checkout – 10% of the sale will go to a shelter or non-profit to save the animals) –
Home Decor – Ballard Designs –
Pet Products/Coffee – Grounds and Hounds –
Home Decor/Beauty/Style – Cristin Cooper –
Dog and cat tags – Silidog –
Fashion – Red Dress –
Home Decor – Country Door –
Pets – Chewy –
Home Decor -Modern Matter Hardware –
Fashion/food/homedecor – Kristen Brooke –
Fashion – Kristen Brooke-
Fashion/Beauty – Mia Mia –
Jewelry/Candles/Home Decor – UnCommon James –
Amazon –
Amazon is a great way to donate to your favorite charity.  If you create an account and use you can select your charity or provide the information for one.  A percentage of the sale of your order goes to that charity you selected.  In my case, I chose
Home – Randi Garrett Designs –
Dog Harness – 2HoundsDesign –
Dog Treats – Three Dogs Sewickley –
Home Decor – Three French Hens –

Maggie wearing her new bow from The Pampered Pooches

Holiday Gift Ideas 2021 |

I love hearing from all of you and do my best to respond to each and every one of you.  I always enjoy your comments, feedback, and suggestions so keep them coming!  If I’ve posted a recipe (for our human and our furry friends) and you try it, don’t forget to tag me on Instagram @twoadorablelabs and use #twoadorablelabs​.

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What Do You Think? Let Us Know!


  1. Amanda Vos

    Bobbi Jo,

    Thank you so much for visiting our Sweet Home Vanilla table and writing about your experience. We are thrilled to hear that you are enjoying our homemade products! Your support is so appreciated and we feel blessed to have met you and your husband and spent some time chatting. We’ll be sure to send you a Christmas candle soon!

    • Bobbi

      You are so welcome! And thank you!

  2. Carla D Evans

    I love all the ideas you gave! And will definitely be supporting the local businesses this holiday season????

    • Bobbi

      Thank you! Yes, I’ve slowly started supporting small businesses about two years ago. It is both rewarding for me and for the businesses I choose to support. There is so much talent out there. People put their heart and soul into their products and I love that!


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