February Is National Pet Dental Health Month
Happy Friday everyone! February is almost over but not quite and this re-post is just in time. Genesis Walker, Outreach Specialist, Money.com reached out to me about the importance of pet insurance. This article below, written solely by Genesis and his team, provides insight on the best pet insurance companies of 2021 and I am thrilled to share it will you.
I think we all know that keeping your pet’s teeth healthy and clean is very important but how many of us knew that February is dedicated to Pet Dental Health? Did you know this? I have to admit that I did not. National Pet Dental Health Month was created by the American Veterinary Medical Association to highlight how important oral health is to overall health, happiness and wellbeing of your pet.
I found this quiz online and took it for fun to see how much I knew. My results were that I was on the right track but there was room for improvement! Take it and let me know what results you get!
Always learning!
Here is something else I did not know…that giving Jake Prednisone (steroid) and Surolzn otic suspension (miconazole migrate, polymyxin B sulfate, prednisolone acetate) ointment for his ear infection can be very hard on him. He has had temperate fluctuations, drinking lots of water, urinating A LOT, explosive diarrhea, panting, and lethargy due to the side effects of the meds.
He was not feeling up to taking a ton of pictures but I was able to get a few of him this weekend showing some Valentines’ Day Festive decor!! Thomas bought me roses that I can plant in the spring and I got the pups a heart from the Dollar Store :-). Maybe they will get a new Nylabone this weekend (if they are good :-)!
Just an FYI…If you are looking for cheap holiday decor to enhance your pictures, your pet’s photos, or for your home decor, check out the Dollar Tree and Dollar General! Seriously, they have some cute stuff and it’s cheap!!! Wait until you see the St. Patrick’s Day scarves I got Jake and Maggie….soooooo caaauuute!!!!

Pet Insurance Could Be an Option to Consider!
Our dear animal friends experience health problems and medical conditions just as much as humans do. We, as pet owners, want only the best for them, which includes taking them to the vet regularly to ensure they’re in tip-top shape.
If our furry friend is hurt or develops a life-threatening condition, veterinary costs can quickly build up. That’s where pet insurance can come in handy.
What is Pet Insurance?
Pet insurance typically costs between $38 to $70 in the US each month and can cover up to 90% of a pet’s medical bills under some plans. We know how difficult it is to research the various pet insurance companies on your own so we recommend reading Money.com’s great article for their review and recommendations on finding the right provider. ( https://money.com/best-pet-insurance/ )

If you are interested in more information on pet insurance and pet related topics, check out my previous posts here:
What Does The Color Of Your Dogs Gums Mean?
How To Pay Your Vet Bill If You Do Not Have Insurance

The American Veterinarian Medical Association (AVMA) provides a wealth of information for you as a pet owner. Despite their recommendation that you should brush your dog’s teeth daily, only 2% of dog owners do so. If you are not one of those 2%, then providing dental chews for your dogs can be very helpful in keeping their teeth clean and help to eliminate plaque build up. I use Chewy.com to purchase Jake and Maggie’s all natural dental chews by Get Naked. I buy the weight management and the dogs love them. All I have to say is…do you want your dental chew?…and the dogs come running!! Maggie literally hops away with excitement! It is so cute to watch her do that! Another dental chew that has been recommended is WHIMZEES!
How to choose the right dental chew?
According to Wellnesspetfood.com – When looking at dental chews, evaluate them in the same ways you would your dog’s food. Look at ingredients and look at efficacy.
Look for a chew made with all natural, limited ingredients – like WHIMZEES! WHIMZEES are limited ingredient, all natural, and Non-GMO Project Verified, so they’re great for dogs with ingredient sensitivities. They are also gluten-free and contain no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives.
In terms of efficacy, look for a dental chew with scientifically proven claims. Based on a study at an independent kennel, WHIMZEES are 80% more effective at reducing plaque than leading competitors.
February is one of those months that is dreary and boring but with Valentine’s Day and now National Pet Dental Healthy Month, it might not seem that bad :-). Follow these tips on how to clean your dogs teeth! Happy cleaning!
• Use a specially designed dog toothbrush or a recommended alternative.
• Never use human toothpaste. Instead, use pet-safe toothpaste with a flavor favorable to your dog’s taste buds.
• Give your dog a small sample of the toothpaste to introduce the taste.
• Lift the lip to expose the outside surfaces of your dog’s gums and teeth.
• Brush with gentle motions to clean the teeth and gums, as you would your own.
• Clean the outside (cheek-facing) surfaces, as most pets will not allow you to brush the inside surface of the teeth.
• Be sure to reach the back upper molars and canines, as these teeth tend to quickly build up tartar.
• Reward your dog with play, petting or a favorite activity to positively reinforce the brushing process.

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