Doses of Cuteness…
This is a re-post from when I first started blogging back in 2017. I was closing my Jewelry business down where I had made custom jewelry for 8 years and really did not know what I wanted to do next. We brought Jake And Maggie home and it hit me! I was going to start a blog about them but literally had no clue how to blog or take good photos for that matter.
I look at this old post and these pictures make me smile but are so dark and fuzzy and I didn’t even say anything at all. I first want to thank my readers who have stuck by me through this journey and waited patiently for me to learn, grow this blog, and learn how to take better photos. And…to make it worse, I put out 3 Doses Of Cuteness with just photos. I have always thought Jake And Maggie are adorable but I bet it was boring seeing my posts like this.
Here are my updates to all three plus adorable photos and videos (see bottom). I hope you enjoy them!

These photos were taken in the first day and first few weeks after we brought the dogs home. We had lost our beloved Bear, Bella, and Lady at ages 13, 14, and 15 and I was heartbroken. The house was quiet and lonely and I needed a pet to take care of.
I scoured the web looking at different rescue organization and pet shelters when I heard through my vet’s assistant that these pups needed a home. Life was not good for them and they needed saved.

Our plan was to wait a year before adopting again, only adopt one dog, and set different rules than we did for the last three. We waited a month, adopted two dogs, and allow them to rule the house!
Jake And Maggie will be 5 this year and together we have learned so much about animals, pet care, training, and have met so many wonderful pet loving people.

We wanted to put Jake And Maggie into professional training and agreed that making them Therapy Dogs would help with socializing them, as well as, bring joy to others. I documented these experiences in the following blogs. Both dogs have passed their Canine Good Citizens Test and their TDI Therapy Dog Tests with flying colors! These posts are in no certain order with some being older than others.
Benefits Of Therapy Dogs In Schools
Jake Passed His Canine Good Citizens Test

If you have never experienced owning two puppies at the same time, it is both incredibly fun and rewarding and difficult at the same time. We experienced Littermate Syndrome and new we had to focus our time and attention on this.
Although both dogs are still very much attached to each other, we can separate them without them freaking out. Jake loves to stay home while Maggie loves to ride in the car. Jake will gladly hang back while Maggie is ready to jump in my Jeep!

Two Adorable Labs has been a work in progress, my passion project, and now a small business. As you can see Jake And Maggie are a huge part of our lives (me and Mr. TAL (my husband Thomas) and they are always with me so what better way to show you how awesome it is to have a pet than to write these posts. I love sharing pet recipes, pet health topics, and all that I love including home decor, human recipes, and more!
I always say…if you have a question or want me to research a topic for you, comment below or feel free to email me at
Read Doses of Cuteness 2 and 3 for more photos, updates, and our accomplishments! We are now a member of the Affiliate program through Amazon (scroll down at the bottom of the blog for products to order if you like). TAL gets a small commission from your purchases at not extra cost to you. Also, scroll down for more blog related posts. Some will be older and some will be newer.

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