Should Dogs Be Allowed In Grocery Stores?

Should Dogs Be Allowed In Grocery Stores?

Should Dogs Be Allowed In Grocery Stores? I was in our local JoAnn Fabrics Store the other day and noticed the “Pets Allowed” sign on the door as I was checking out.  I expressed my excitement to the cashier but noticed the side eye from the lady next to me.  My next...
Pet Honored Holidays For March 2020

Pet Honored Holidays For March 2020

Pet Honored Holidays For March 2020 Yesterday, Sunday, March 8th was International Women’s Day!  International Women’s Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women – while also marking a call to...
What Is A Reverse Sneeze In Dogs?

What Is A Reverse Sneeze In Dogs?

What Is A Reverse Sneeze In Dogs? Have you ever heard of a dog reverse sneezing?  I never did until years ago when I witnessed our dog Bear doing something very odd that seemed uncomfortable for him.  I quickly made a vet appointment only to find out he was having a...
What Is Dog Flipping?

What Is Dog Flipping?

What Is Dog Flipping? Can you imagine letting your dog out and after a few minutes wondering why he hasn’t barked at the door to be let in only to find he is gone!!!  The chain is laying on the ground, the gate is closed to the fence, no one has seen your sweet pup...
Dying Your Dog’s Fur; Cute or Cruel?

Dying Your Dog’s Fur; Cute or Cruel?

Dying Your Dog’s Fur; Cute or Cruel? Thomas and I went into town this weekend for lunch and the Pittsburgh Auto Show at the David Lawrence Convention Center.  If you have never been to a car show, I think it is something fun to try especially if you are in the...
What Is Hydrocephalus?

What Is Hydrocephalus?

What is Hydrocephalus in dogs and cats?  I have an instagram account full of adorable dogs that make me smile.  I also follow organizations that take in dogs with disabilities, put them into foster care to be cared for until they find them forever homes.  I am friends...
Aujeszky’s Disease In Dogs

Aujeszky’s Disease In Dogs

I recently noticed that Jake’s left ear was red and swollen and after a trip to the vet, he has the start of an ear infection and some yeast was showing during the swab test.  During Jake’s visit, I had a conversation with my vet about what I was feeding the dogs and...
What Does Tethering Of Dogs Mean?

What Does Tethering Of Dogs Mean?

What does “Chaining” or “Tethering” of dogs mean? The term refers to the practice of fastening a dog to a stationary object or stake, usually in the owners backyard, as a means of keeping the animal under control.  These terms do not refer to the periods when an...
How To Find Pet Insurance

How To Find Pet Insurance

How To Find Pet Insurance It’s been an amazing year and I’m so looking forward to what 2020 will bring!  I was so excited when the mail came the other day and we received Jake and Maggie’s TDI certifications.  Jake and Maggie are on their way to doing great things and...
Puppy Paws Coffee Company

Puppy Paws Coffee Company

The weekend is almost over and we are winding down on our “to do” list.  Thomas got some Christmas shopping done this morning while I set both the kitchen and dining room tables with out holiday dishes from Pioneer Woman and 222 Fifth.  I’ll be...
Noise Anxiety In Dogs

Noise Anxiety In Dogs

Noise Anxiety In Dogs This is an update and re-post.  July 4th is this weekend and the loud booms of the fireworks and explosion of colors not only affects dogs but all animals.  It’s best to be prepared for your pet so they don’t suffer.   I was prompted...
Do Dogs Dream?

Do Dogs Dream?

My Question and Answer yesterday sparked some interest with readers on another subject “Do Dogs Dream” and so I thought I’d put together another Q & A!  I’ve always believed that animals dream just like we do.  I’ve also believed that...
Signs Of Dementia In Dogs

Signs Of Dementia In Dogs

This time of year, there are so many animals sitting in shelters.  It breaks my heart because so many of us want the puppy, the younger dog, because they are healthier, less trips to the vet, less maintenance, but what about those senior dogs waiting for their forever...
Prevent Animal Cruelty Act (PACT) Signed

Prevent Animal Cruelty Act (PACT) Signed

I played a tiny part in helping to push a petition into federal law by signing Sidney’s petition “Pass The Preventing Animal Cruelty (PACT) Act” on!!!  Good news…Yesterday, President Donald Trump signed the first ever U.S. federal legislation to...
Is CBD Oil Safe For Your Pet?

Is CBD Oil Safe For Your Pet?

I have been hearing so much about CBD Oil lately and sat down today to do some research on the benefits of giving it to your dog.  I have never tried it nor have I ever given CBD Oil to my dogs but after reading all the good things it can possibly do for your pet, I...
Can dogs eat turkey?

Can dogs eat turkey?

Can dogs eat turkey? This is a re-post.  This post has been updated with more information, links, and relatable posts below.  With Thanksgiving around the corner, it’s always good to know what you can feed your pup and not to feed them!  This post from...
How Dogs Benefit Children

How Dogs Benefit Children

I was fortunate to grow up in a family of animal lovers.  My parents bought a small farm that they renovated over the years and my farther fenced in acreage for two horses, three ponies, and two baby calves!  Of course, my sister and I, saved every stray cat and dog...
A Dog’s Five Senses

A Dog’s Five Senses

As pet owners, we tend to assume that we are similar to our dog when comparing “our senses”.  But did you know that a dog’s senses are just like ours…but not!  What are the five senses and what is the most primary sense out of the five?  Dogs can Touch, See, Smell,...
Decoding Your Pet’s Body Language

Decoding Your Pet’s Body Language

It’s not always easy to know what our dogs are telling us. For those of us who have been around animals all our lives, we have a pretty good idea by their wagging tails, growls, licks, shaking, etc. but do we really??? We often don’t realize that “they” understand...
Zesty Paws Multivitamin Bites

Zesty Paws Multivitamin Bites

I’ve been searching for a organic multivitamin for Jake and Maggie that would cover all that I was looking for plus not make them sick.  I also wanted Dental Sticks that were organic and was so excited to see that had what I was looking for.  When I...
What is Vegan leather?

What is Vegan leather?

What is Vegan leather? This is a re-post and update to What Is Vegan Leather? and my related blog post What Does Cruelty Free Mean? I was recently contacted by Greg McFarlane, Director of Vegan Australia, about my inaccurate information pertaining to the meaning of...
What is Littermate Syndrome?

What is Littermate Syndrome?

When we lost our last 3 dogs, Thomas and I said we were going to take a break from being pet parents.   But after only a month, I started looking for another dog.  It didn’t matter to us where the dog came from or the breed.  I just knew that what was meant for us...
Benefits of yogurt for your dog

Benefits of yogurt for your dog

As I was writing my blog post on the frozen yogurt blueberries (see here), I made sure to make a note to talk about today’s post and the benefits of yogurt for your dog. I want to clarify that I used plain, unflavored, non-fat greek yogurt which I did not state...
Animal obesity

Animal obesity

If your pet is obese, are you guilty of animal neglect?If you ask me, I would say “YES” without a doubt…YES!  If you type “fat dog pic” into your browser, pictures of overweight animals will come up with videos that are supposed to be...
Side effects of the Bordetella Shot

Side effects of the Bordetella Shot

We recently got Jake and Maggie’s shots updated (parvovirus, distemper, hepatitis, Bordetella, and rabies).  We wanted to not only update their shots but to make sure they had the Bordetella vaccination because we will be taking them to Therapy Training and...
Dental care for your pet

Dental care for your pet

I’ve had dogs all of my life and fortunately, I have never and hope to never (crossing my fingers) deal with dental problems with Jake and Maggie or any future animals I may adopt.  But many have and what does this all mean for you and your pet.  Animals hide...
Doggie TMJ

Doggie TMJ

 I was getting my hair done last week and my friend and hair dresser, who is a huge dog lover like I am, was telling me his dog was having problems with his mouth not closing properly when he ate.  He took him to the vet to find that he has Doggie TMJ!  I was so...
Is your dog’s urine killing your grass?

Is your dog’s urine killing your grass?

Have you ever experienced having a dog urinate on your grass and then finding a dead yellow spot in the grass the next day?  All of us pet owners have probably experienced that before which made me curious as to why this happens.  This happens because dog urine is...
Is doggie daycare right for your pet?

Is doggie daycare right for your pet?

We recently took Jake and Maggie to Misty Pines Dog Park and I asked to see their facilities.  Thomas and I have always agreed that we would never board our dogs and we stand by that.  It is either for you or not and we just feel more comfortable not boarding.  The...
Can dogs have identical twins?

Can dogs have identical twins?

I was sitting around the table at Thomas’ family’s house and we were talking about my blog when his aunt asked me if dogs can be born twins.  I said that I thought so and was going to research it.  Turns out that dogs can be born twins and here is how.    ...
What are your rights when losing a pet?

What are your rights when losing a pet?

I first started researching the emotional toll it takes on a pet when you give it up simply because you do not want it.  There have been people in my life who have adopted an animal because they thought it was a good idea at the time only to turn around and give it up...
Why foster a dog?

Why foster a dog?

First I have to say that I could never foster a dog….why?…because it would become mine.  I could never give the dog up.  I would end up with a whole house full of dogs so I admit it is not for me but there are a lot of amazing people out there who can....
National Dog Day

National Dog Day

August 26th is National Dog Day!!!  First I have to apologize because I totally missed today being National Dog Day and did not blog about it.  I follow a dog mom and blogger called “Home Is Where The Boat Is” and when I opened up her email and blog post,...
Misty Pines Dog Park

Misty Pines Dog Park

I recently had a birthday and always joke that the entire month of August is my birthday.  Since that’s the case, Thomas asked what I wanted to do this weekend and I said… spend the day with the dogs.  I suggested a fun-filled day of going to Misty Pines...
Beef liver for your dog

Beef liver for your dog

Have you ever given the thought to giving your dog beef liver?  I have to admit that it has never crossed my mind.  I am always making sure that Jake and Maggie get the best food and treats.  I buy everything organic whether it be a baby carrot for a treat or their...
Toxic Algae Exposure

Toxic Algae Exposure

I typically give you a post on Friday of “What I’m Loving” but today I have to talk about dogs across the South that are dying from Toxic Algae Exposure.  My dad mentioned this to me so I went home and did some research to find out what is going on....
Airport Therapy Dog Programs

Airport Therapy Dog Programs

​It’s been a minute since I posted about Jake and Maggie passing their Canine Good Citizenship training (here and here) all because I wanted them to participate in the PitPaws program at the Pittsburgh International Airport.  I want them both to become Therapy Dogs...
Pig Ears and Salmonella Poisoning

Pig Ears and Salmonella Poisoning

I follow a blog called Proud Dog Mom and recently received a post about Pig Ear Dog Treats Making Humans Sick.  The FDA is investigating and urging all pet owners to stop buying and feeding their pets the pig ears and urging retailers to stop selling them.  The CDC is...
Horse Ownership

Horse Ownership

I typically blog about dog related topics but today I want to give you some insight into the equestrian world.  One of my fondest memories from my childhood was when my parents bought me my first horse.  We found Sparky and so my love for horses began.  My father...
Dogs and Raccoons

Dogs and Raccoons

In my last post on Dogs and Armadillos, I promised I would talk about how to prevent raccoons on your property and what to do should your dog decide to go after one.  Here is something I did not know…raccoons will go after a cat to kill it just for sport.  A...
Dogs and Armadillos

Dogs and Armadillos

I was talking to a friend who was telling me about three armadillos and a raccoon she found on her property and how curious her dog was about them.  This got us thinking about what would happen to her dog should the armadillos and raccoon (more about raccoons in a...
Jake passed his Canine Good Citizens Test

Jake passed his Canine Good Citizens Test

Jake passed his Canine Good Citizen test!!!!  Yeahhhh!!!  Thomas and I are very proud of him.  It was so hot on Saturday for Jake but he powered through.  I brought his travel bowl and made sure he had fresh water to drink.  As you can see by the look on his face, he...
When is the best time to feed your dog?

When is the best time to feed your dog?

In the past when I had my last three, Bear, Bella, and Lady, I worked full time but always made sure they ate in the morning at 6:00 am and then when I got home at 5:30 pm.  Our schedule was that I would let them out first thing when we got up, fed them as soon a they...
The cause of hairy dog teeth

The cause of hairy dog teeth

When we were living in MO, I found a wonderful vet who I not only respected as a lover of animals and veterinarian to the community of Eureka but I also enjoyed talking to him on a personal level as well.  What a smart and funny guy!  His name is Dr. Griese and he...
Can dogs get sunburns?

Can dogs get sunburns?

  I was standing out in the yard with the dogs the other day and Jake being Jake, he was giving me a hard time about coming in.  He insisted that he be allowed to lay in the yard and watch the neighbors level off their yard.  We have a new home built next to us and...
What is Kitten Season?

What is Kitten Season?

What is Kitten Season?Have you heard of it yet? If not, this is the time of year when every unspayed, queen (female cat) is likely to have a belly full of babies, or a litter of youngsters by her side.   This is also the time when shelters are getting bombarded with...
DNA tests for your dog

DNA tests for your dog

This week is going so fast and has been so busy that I almost missed my Wednesday post.  It’s 7:44 pm and I still have time!  I found an interesting article in an “Eating Well” magazine this week titled “What Can a DNA Test Actually Reveal About My Dog?  My sister and...
Can dogs see ghosts?

Can dogs see ghosts?

Can dog’s see ghosts?  This topic interests me because I have always wondered if my dogs could see spirits.  When I bought my first house, after only two weeks, I sensed I had a spirt of an older man.  He would visit from time to time but it never bothered me...
Ethanol Toxicosis in Cats

Ethanol Toxicosis in Cats

Happy Monday everyone!  I wrote this post over a year ago but after receiving such great feedback on my questionnaire and more requests to post on cat related topics, I decided to do more research and re-post for those who are new to the blog and to all the cat lovers...
Is beer and wine toxic to dogs and cats?

Is beer and wine toxic to dogs and cats?

Is beer and wine toxic to dogs and cats?  The answer is YES!   We may have all seen at one in point in our lives, whether in person or on video, of someone giving a dog alcohol.  I have never seen it in person and I always try to stay positive in my blogging but I...
One way to know if your dog loves you

One way to know if your dog loves you

One way to know if your dog loves you 1/9/20192 Comments Last week I did a post (see here), that talked about how dogs show their love for you. This week I want to talk about how smiling at your dog can increase their love and devotion for you. I had given Jake and...
7 ways that dogs show their love

7 ways that dogs show their love

“Playing hide and go seek”     Happy Holidays!  I can’t believe it’s 2019!  Jake and Maggie celebrated their second Christmas with us and got lots of toys from their grandma, pap pap, aunt and uncle.  Yes, of course, we spoiled them rotten too!  Last year...
Just Add Coconut Oil

Just Add Coconut Oil

“I asked Jake if he wanted to help me with this blog post and just melted when he gave me this look”. “Then he said heck with it and fell asleep”. LOL This post is for a friend of mine whose sweet little dog has come down with some skin...
Pet Ailments

Pet Ailments

It amazes me that animals can have the same ailments and diseases as humans do and can sometimes be treated the same way as we are.  But just when you think you’ve heard it all, something comes across your email and surprises you.  A good friend of mine had her...
Choke collars and how to use them

Choke collars and how to use them

There are many opinions on using a choke chain/collar on your dog and whether they are good for the pet or not.  I admit we do use them on Jake and Maggie but not before we were properly trained in how to put them on and when to use them during training.  They were...
What is Proofing?

What is Proofing?

Sooo, as you all know, we put Jake and Maggie through training and have been working with them using all the “key” words they have learned.  I had no idea I was “Proofing” them until I read more about it.  What does PROOFING mean?  Proofing in...
Trips With Pets

Trips With Pets

Thomas and I have been wanting to plan a few short vacations with the pups but have had a difficult time finding hotels that allow pets. Jake is now 82 pounds and Maggie just got weighed in at 70 pounds. The majority of the hotels that I found had weight limits per...
Bottled Water vs. Tap Water For Your Pet

Bottled Water vs. Tap Water For Your Pet

Have you ever considered giving your pet bottled water over tap water or possibly purchasing a filter for cleaner water for your pets?  Water is the most important for your pet but not all tap water is created equal.  Tap water contains less than 5000 parts per...
Jake and Maggie’s 1st Year Recap

Jake and Maggie’s 1st Year Recap

Well…the monsters are a year old now and I wanted to share a recap with some pictures I’ve taken.  Please enjoy and if you are interested in reading about a topic I have not yet posted or have questions regarding one that I have, please feel free...
All Kinds of Doggie Love

All Kinds of Doggie Love

If your an animal lover like me, you know that they have so much love to give but I’ve talked to people who want only a full blood and would never step foot in a shelter. Their argument is that these animals are “no good” which makes me crazy to hear...
Keeping Your Cat Healthy And Happy

Keeping Your Cat Healthy And Happy

Keeping Your Cat Healthy And Happy This is a repost from 2018.  You might have noticed that I’ve done some re-posting lately which I will do from time to time.  Jake has had some surgery for a torn ACL which I will definitely post on later plus we are traveling....
Pets and Domestic Violence

Pets and Domestic Violence

In relation to my last post on animal abuse, I wanted to talk about another form of abuse that we don’t normally think about and that is a pet kept in a harmful environment such as a domestic violence home.  According to an article I found at, the love...
Help Stop Animal Cruelty

Help Stop Animal Cruelty

Help Stop Animal Cruelty I recently heard about a conversation that played out between a local grocery store employee and a local customer which prompted me to write this blog.  I live in West Virginia and temperatures have gone below freezing over the last couple of...
Weathering The Storm

Weathering The Storm

Thomas and I are weathering the storm of having two Labrador puppies at one time.  The pups have learned so much already.  It is our responsibility to teach them everything and stay on top of things but at 7 months old, they can easily slip back into “forgetting” what...
To Microchip or To Not Microchip?

To Microchip or To Not Microchip?

I’ve recently been contacted by Jen Miller, Editor at Jen Reviews, in response to my blog post (see below) “To Microchip or To Not Microchip?”.  Jen Reviews is the authority on everything food, fitness and home.  All of their writers are experts in...
To Microchip or To Not Microchip?

To Microchip or To Not Microchip?

I’ve recently been contacted by Jen Miller, Editor at Jen Reviews, in response to my blog post (see below) “To Microchip or To Not Microchip?”.  Jen Reviews is the authority on everything food, fitness and home.  All of their writers are experts in...
Wild Child

Wild Child

  “Trip to the vet with our new harnesses and leashes followed by a trip to Walmart.  Maggie ate Mommy’s Jeep manual and I watched”.  Love, Jake   “Road trip from West Virginia to Missouri!  Mom and Dad said we were good boys and girls”....
Keeping Your Pet’s Dishes Clean

Keeping Your Pet’s Dishes Clean

Keeping Your Pet’s Dishes Clean This “Keeping Your Pet’s Dishes Clean” post is one that I wrote when I first started blogging back in 2017.  I decided to go back to it, make some edits, add new links, and combine new and old photos of Jake and...
Our little helpers :-)

Our little helpers :-)

“Jake helping dad with a codes and standards electrical safety question” “Maggie helping mom with her blog”   You Might Also Like What to do when your dog acts up at the vet Tips and TricksSoooo.....I took Jake and Maggie to the vet last night...
Doesn’t LISTEN!

Doesn’t LISTEN!

I told Maggie to get off the chair today.  She listens well.  NOT!  No wonder she is BAD!  I take a picture instead of yelling at her :-).    You Might Also Like Where were we? Daily DoseI've been MIA on my blog posts but I've been here the whole time.  The problem is...
Deep In Thought

Deep In Thought

You Might Also Like Luna Boutique Sewickley, Wear, Wag, Repeat Event Daily DoseFellow blogger, owner, creator, author of Wear, Wag, Repeat, Tori Mistick, is celebrating her 5 year blogiversary by hosting an event at #Luna Boutique Sewickley, Sewickley Pennsylvania,...
Doses of Cuteness…

Doses of Cuteness…

Doses of Cuteness… This is a re-post from when I first started blogging back in 2017.  I was closing my Jewelry business down where I had made custom jewelry for 8 years and really did not know what I wanted to do next.  We brought Jake And Maggie home and it...
Doses of cuteness (Part 2)…

Doses of cuteness (Part 2)…

Doses of cuteness (Part 2)… This is a re-post from 2017 when I put out my “Doses of Cuteness” series sharing pictures of Jake And Maggie as puppies.  As I go back through my old posts, I see the series is very much in need of an update.  In Part 2,...
Doses of cuteness (Part 3)…

Doses of cuteness (Part 3)…

Doses of cuteness (Part 3)… This is the last re-post in a series of 3 (Dose of Cuteness and Dose of Cuteness 2) that includes pictures of Jake And Maggie when they were puppies.  In the last two posts, I’ve talked about our accomplishments, our on-line...
How To Care For A Sick Puppy

How To Care For A Sick Puppy

How To Care For A Sick Puppy This post has been update to reflect more information and pictures. Adoption Day:  This was very exciting but I have to admit I was a tad bit nervous.  As I counted the 17 years since I had had a puppy and I wanted to do everything right....

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